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AAAS Statement on Anti-Asian Violence and Racism (Update: 3/22/21)

The Faculty of the Department of Asian & Asian American Studies shares the grief of the loss of the eight lives in the deadly attacks in Atlanta on Tuesday. Of the victims who lost their lives in this tragedy, six of them were of Asian descent. We are deeply saddened and troubled by the recent surge in violence against members of Asian American communities nationwide. Furthermore, we grieve with all Asian and Asian Americans who have experienced racial and gendered violence since this pandemic. These acts of terror and discrimination remind us of the struggles for racial equality and justice fought for by Asian Americans, as well as the violence of systemic racism that Asian Americans have endured throughout U.S. history. As researchers and educators of Asian and Asian American languages and cultures, we denounce these acts of hate in the strongest terms possible.  The AAAS Department stands in solidarity with other departments and communities against all forms of discrimination, racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, and violence. We also recognize our responsibilities to bridge gaps between cultures and communities, to respect and support multilingualism, and to cultivate an institutional as well as intellectual appreciation for the contributions of Asian immigrant communities throughout history. To our students and colleagues, whether or not you are of Asian descent, we are here to support you personally and professionally in this difficult time.  

Anti-racist resources (with AAPI-focus)

Click this link

 On Campus Resources:

Office of Equity and Access

Counseling and Psychological Services

Other Resources

For more on the University’s position on discrimination, please review this statement. If you have experienced discrimination and wish to file a complaint, please visit our ReportIt website.